Where can I find a pumpkin spice latte this fall?

Last year they had it at Starbucks, but apparently that was the first time in 15 years that they had it and they aren’t having it again this year (looks like it’ll be a chestnut latte or frap).

Searched on Google and all I got was results for how to make it at home or links about last year’s Sbux release. Anyone know where else I can get one? Willing to go anywhere in the general Tokyo area.

  1. It’s not a popular flavor here but US cafes/restaurants may have it like Sarabeths, Seattle’s Best, etc. Google “American cafes” in the fall.

  2. Is it possible that it’s too early for Starbucks to announce pumpkin spice (if they’re doing it)? The chestnut frap is only for September. Until the 20th, I believe.

  3. iHerb has Pumpkin Spice Latte mix and PSL Chai tea available. I can’t vouch for the flavor though. Last year, I bought a PSL mix (the kind where you add iced/hot milk to a powder) from Kaldi and it was just mediocre.

  4. You can usually find mixes to make your own at import stores like KALDI in the fall.

  5. Some people sell bags of Starbucks/Dunkin’ Donuts pumpkin spice latte coffee beans on Mercari (although it’s quite steep – there’s a couple bags for 2700 right now)

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