Leaving Japan: doubts with re-entry permit, zaryu card and tenshutsu todoke

In a few weeks I will be leaving Japan, to go back for 6 or so months to my home country. My contract just ended and in the meanwhile, I am applying for interviews for a new position in Japan. My visa is still valid until 2025, so my initial idea was to apply for a re-entry permit and return in autumn. From previous posts in this channel, I understood that is an acceptable practice.

Now, the problem is that I am also leaving my apartment, so I should be filling out a Moving-out form (tenshutsu todoke). Should I tell the city hall that my new address will be in my home country? won’t this result in them just inferring that I’m leaving the country, and thus taking my residence card for good?

Also, once filled out the Moving-out form, will the calculation of resident tax and pension be suspended for the time being? Or will they pile up until my return?

by TheMeowgician

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