Has anyone used the book “All About Particles: A Handbook of Japanese Function Words”, if so, then what are your thoughts, should a beginner who is confused by particles use it to gain a better understanding, or are there other better books or methods out there?

Pretty much said most of it in the question itself. I have sort of ignored grammar for a bit in an attempt to have more vocab and immersion but now they have really started to confuse the hell out of me. This book was suggested, however, some other suggestions were also to not bother with grammar and just continue to immerse, but I am worried that the grammar might come back to bite me in the ass. Just looking for some suggestions and advice in the grammar bit. Thanks

  1. Its a great book, but its a handbook for looking up particles, not learning them, its complementary.

    Dunno who recommended you to not learn grammar, but learning grammar is extremly important, it extremly efficent to learn sole grammar points in the beginner-intermediate stages(this changes at high intermediate and advanced).

    How are you immersing without grammar? native content uses grammar points beyond n1(becuase its obv. for natives) are you just looking at definitions of words without the actuall context of the sentence? because thats not immersion nor learning.

  2. To be honest trying to learn japanese without learning grammar just literally makes no sense. I don’t say this lightly. You won’t understand anything you are listening to or reading if you don’t know how to interpret sentences which you use grammar to do so. If you’re confused about particles it’s because you’re skipping grammar. Getting a book on particles and skipping a basic grammar textbook just seems so strange to me.

    My honest opinion is just buy Genki. It’s tried and tested and loads and loads of people have already had success with it. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

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