Will I fit in clothes in Japan?

I am planning on traveling to japan with my friends in the near future. My girlfriends and I are planning on traveling pretty light with just a carry on to get there. That way it’s easier to move about and we can bring back stuff that we buy as our checked luggage. However, I would hate to pack too light, anticipating on buying clothes there, just to have nothing fit us XD.

So I was wondering, what is in general a safe measurement range to find clothes relatively easily in Japan? Are there specific clothing items that you find are harder to find that fit? I’ve heard that undergarments, pants, and shoes can be the most difficult to find for foreigners. I would love to hear from both men and women as it’ll be a mixed group!

Edit: thank you everyone who answered! This is extremely helpful information. I feel a lot more reassured now. I’ll be sure to warn my taller friends. It also puts my mind at ease to have a list of more size inclusive stores just in case anyone can’t fit anything for any reason XD

by mightyg00se

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