Went on a date with a Japanese guy

I went on a date with a Japanese guy (27 y/o). He was nice to me. We talked a lot. He called me kawaii a lot of times, we laughed a lot and after the date he sent me a text saying he wanted to talk more and was looking to talk to me sometime. We texted a little the next day which was a Sunday but it seems during workdays he doesn’t talk. Could it be he is not interested or is it that he is shy? He doesn’t text much either.

Edit: To everyone in the comments who thinks I am trying to psyscho-analyse him or trying to stereotype japanese people. No. I did not have any intention to do that. I am sorry if I haven’t put it properly. I just wanted to know someone’s opinions and thoughts who have dated someone with a different dating pattern/culture than their own. So please don’t be mean in the comments, I genuinely liked the guy that’s why I wasn’t patient enough. But seeing everyone’s comments I think I’d rather wait.

by violentpose

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