Osaka man fatally stabbed by wife after asking her, ‘Isn’t dinner ready yet?’ – The Mainichi

Osaka man fatally stabbed by wife after asking her, ‘Isn’t dinner ready yet?’ – The Mainichi

by news_from_japan

  1. The title makes it seem like just that comment was what set her off, but you can insinuate that this hatred has probably been brewing inside her for many years and she hit her breaking point. Typical useless Japanese husband.

  2. “港署や消防によると、14日午後10時20分ごろ、岡田容疑者から「夫を包丁で刺した」と119番があった。岡田容疑者が夕食を作っていたところ、勝さんに「晩ご飯はまだか」と言われたうえ、仕事の愚痴を聞かされていたことにも立腹し、ベッドで横になっていた勝さんを刺したという
    According to the police station and fire department, the suspect made an emergency call at around 10:20 p.m. saying, “I stabbed my husband with a kitchen knife.” She apparently got angry after he made the aforementioned comment and also complained about his work while she was cooking, so she stabbed him as he was lying in bed.”

    Well, any chance of this being deemed as a freak accident or momentary outburst of trying to maim but not kill is lost when you stab someone lying on a bed.

    Also, I gotta say this translation feels a little weird. Especially the “OSAKA — A 64-year-old woman was arrested on the spot here on May 14 for allegedly ”

    is this “here” necessary? Does it feel out of place or not?

  3. “Her husband Masaru, 76, was taken to the hospital but died. […] The woman is accused of stabbing her husband, a part-time worker,”.

    Lol Japan, pay for your elder’s retirement pensions FFS. 76 in one of the world richest country and still having to work x’D

  4. The comment section here is wild

    They can’t believe the title, bit if the gender was reversed no one would have problem believing it

  5. Comment section is wild. A lot of unhinged people dissatisfied with their lives on this sub

  6. Sounds like that 1 episode of World of Gumball. “This food is kind of cold”, and then she burns the house down lol

  7. I used to live in the minato area, it‘s one of the most calm and pretty places in osaka in my opinion. Shocking to hear such a crime has been committed there.

  8. He had it comin’
    He had it comin’
    He only had himself to blame
    If you’d have been there
    If you’d have seen it

  9. Honestly sounds like she had some unaddressed, deep mental health issues. The old man was 76 and now she’s going to either spend the rest of her life in prison, or be executed herself. It was an act of desperate insanity for her to stab him.

    And if she was insane and was getting no help, I feel bad for both of them. What a tragedy.

  10. What I read was, “Osaka man finally stabbed…” I was like damn, he must have had it coming..

  11. This is why I don’t respect housewives, especially once the kids move out. Cabin Fever drives them nuts. Get a hobby or a part-time job.

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