Convini trash cans

First time back in Japan since covid. Where are all the trash cans in front of the convini? When did this happen?

  1. Did you check inside? Many of the convenience stores around me moved their trashcans inside, but not all of them. I can only guess at reasons, but I imagine because of bugs and people dumping trash from home.

  2. Some still have them outside. Seems to depend on the area.

    This question gave me a flashback to when I was working in London, just out of university and still pretty naive about everything. At lunchtime I would walk to wherever it was to get my lunch, and I noticed that there were no bins anywhere. I mentioned this to the security guy / doorman at the building where I worked, and he gave me a raised eyebrow look and said, “no, there wouldn’t be any, sir”, at which point it all clicked into place.

  3. A lot of places that faced issues with people bringing in trash from other places got rid of them or moved them indoors

  4. Hahahahahaha yeahhhhhhh they’re gone!

    Something about harsher fines for increased trash, they had to remove them. Can’t even ask people in stores to throw away a popsicle stick lately.

    Carry your trash like the rest of us, no choice.

    Here’s an article about SOME of the reasons why, it’s fairly recently that they starting getting rid of the garbage cans, but it’s been gradually happening for a while now.


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