Fall foliage 2024 planning

I’m trying to plan what dates to go to Sapporo, Kyoto, and Tokyo in October or November 2024 based on the assumption that fall foliage colors will come in close to the times they did in 2023, which I know was late. This seems to be the assumption the fall foliage forecast for 2024 has made.
Is there a good way to see pics of various fall foliage in these areas with the exact dates they were taken in 2023? I can see Google reviews pictures that say “Oct 2023” or “Nov 2023” but I’m trying to get an idea of what the areas looked like in early/mid/late Oct and Nov of 2023.
My hope would be to see the colors in Hokkaido, then go to Kyoto knowing we’d be too early for the colors there, then go to Tokyo last hoping that by then the colors will be in Tokyo too. If it’s not feasible without staying for > 2 weeks, I’ll give up on hoping to see colors in both Hokkaido and Tokyo and pick dates based on just Hokkaido foliage since we want to start the trip before mid-November.
Any tips?

by spreckles101

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