Student Visa extension – exchange semester to language school


I’ll explain my situation : I am currently an exchange student in Nagoya University in Japan and I plan on staying for one more year here for language school. I have a 6 months visa ending in September, and language school starts in October.

When I asked schools in advance if a visa extension was possible, it seemed to be a possibility. But now that I am in the process of applying, one have said they don’t do visa extension, and another asked Immigration (apparently) who told them that a visa extension would not be possible in my situation. I am discussing with one more school atm and go go nihon.

I am a bit distressed since going back to my home country to apply for a new visa would be a huge waste of money. So I guess my question is:

– Has anyone encountered the same situation? I can’t be the only one… I am pretty sure I have read students with the same situation who were able to get a visa extension before.

– If I have to apply for a new visa, could I do it in an embassy in a nearby country ?

Thank you for your input!

by Previous_Birthday_33

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