Opened an upstairs cupboard twice and each time an orange cockroach appears. Does this mean an infestation?

I’ve lived in this apartment about 3 months. There a large cupboard upstairs I keep my suitcases in. The two times I’ve opened it – as per the title says – an orange cockroach appears. I’m from the UK so not used to this.

What does this mean and how can I deal with them?

  1. Depends on the area. If your apartment is surrounded by unkept grass and weeds you will get the occasional roach. If your neighbors are messy then you could be screwed.

    Keep your apartment spotless
    fill in any holes in the cupboard/room you saw the roach at,
    Keep your apartment colder than neighbors.

    Electric fly swatter thing works well for killing them and centipedes. I use both a normal fly swatter to chase them into the electric one.

  2. Get some of the black cap cockroach traps. You should be able to get them in your local supermarket/conbini, or even Amazon if you’re feeling lazy. Put one in each room you might get cockroaches, maybe extra in the kitchen just in case and then you probably won’t see anymore.

    They last for a year. I saw a cockroach last May, got the traps and didn’t see another until this August, put new ones down a couple weeks back and haven’t seen another since then.

    Edit: the brand name is literally ブラックキャップ and you get 12 in a pack, should be plenty enough to spread around.

  3. This is a good omen. It is the orange cockroach messenger bringing the message that you will live for at least five more days.

  4. I don’t know if you have an infestation, but the orange color indicates that it has recently shed its old exoskeleton and the new one has yet to turn a darker color. If you find an old shed exoskeleton somewhere, it means that it’s likely the roach has been in your apartment for some time.

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