Yahoo Japan – 2FA code SMS

I have a Yahoo Japan account that I only rarely use (but I do use it and want to keep it) but for a couple of weeks now I am getting 2-factor authentication codes via SMS sent to my phone daily. To my understanding, the code is only sent when you log in and got the password right. I have already repeatedly changed my password but the SMS keep coming. I am not aware of any service connected to my Yahoo account and really have no clue why this keeps happening.

Has anyone experienced something similar? Any idea what the cause might be and how to stop it?

Thanks in advance.

  1. > To my understanding, the code is only sent when you log in and got the password right.

    Not always. There are different login options that you can enable/disable for Yahoo JP.

    It is possible that you might have “login with SMS code” enabled, where they just need to enter your username, and the system will send your phone an SMS with a login code. Entering this code will grant access to your account with no password required.

    You can check that setting under “Login and security” and turn it off if it is enabled.

    Yahoo SMS login code messages look like this:

    `ヤフー 確認コード:xxxx`
    `このコードは他の人には絶対に教えないでください。 u/ #xxxx`

    (in some cases, it is a 6 digit number instead)

  2. If someone else is logging into your account after you change your password it could mean that your phone or other device has been compromised and they’re getting your new passwords, along with other data. Scan your computers with anti-virus software and re-initialize your phone if it keeps happening.

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