Foreign nurse planning to work in japan. (Filipino)

Does anyone here have an idea how to become a nurse here in japan? I’m a registered nurse in the Phlippines but i’m already living here in japan and I’d like to pursue it here. I heard that JPEPA is open now for training for nurses from the philippines.

Since i already here in japan i wasn’t able to go back in my country. Is it possible to take japanese nursing exam here in japan? what are the requirements besides passing JLPT and their exams. I heard u need to take some units and enroll again to their school?.. but if you are in the philippines under JPEPA they didn’t require you to get some additional units or to enroll from their school in japan….under JPEPA if u meet their requirements they will process your papers and you will train for months – years until you pass the exam.

But if you are not under JPEPA and you are already here in japan planning to process it buy yourself they will require u some additionals from their schools? So u have to enroll and study again to get degree?? 😣 (under JPEPA doesn’t require this)

by Agreeable-Hotel-2054

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