[AEW Dynamite Spoilers] IWGP WHC title match

Moxley wins a pretty fucking bad match that took place largely outside of the ring and during a commercial break, via submission. They did a spot where Hobbs seemed to injure his knee, but it might have been a work. **ETA:** It appears it most likely was a legit injury.

Fellow Callis Family member Konosuke Takeshita came out on the ramp and made a belt motion.

Moxley did yell some threats to Ren Narita into the camera post-match, but the audio quality was so bad that you couldn’t really hear it. IIRC the commentary team did not make mention of the Dontaku match at any point during the segment.

Also one thing to keep in mind is that the current defense record for this title is four (held by SANADA and Okada).

Here’s the [WON/F4W recap](https://www.f4wonline.com/news/aew/results/aew-dynamite-live-results-moxley-vs-hobbs-iwgp-world-title-match) of the match:

>Jon Moxley defeated Powerhouse Hobbs (w/Don Callis) to retain the IWGP World Title

>Callis joins commentary again, which bums everyone out, as Moxley tried an early choke, but Hobbs used his power to avoid that. Moxley floated over a fall away slam, hit a German suplex, but Hobbs no sold and launched Moxley with a Taz-plex to the outside. Hobbs tried to attack on the floor, but Moxley sent him over the barricade with a big boot. They brawl in the fans, as Excalibur reminds us it’s a 20 count due to being for the IWGP Title, as both beat the count at 18. With no heads up, the show just cuts to picture in picture, where Hobbs controlled the action the entire time, with World’s Strongest Slams on the edge of the ring.

>Back from break, Moxley tried mounting a comeback with a Cutter, but was Pounced in mid air. Hobbs missed a corner charge and landed on the floor, as Moxley met him with a Tope, as Hobbs was grabbing his right knee. Commentary asks if Callis wanted to check on Hobbs, but Callis said there are doctors for that. Back inside, Hobbs couldn’t put weight on the leg, as Moxley dished out corner punches in bunches before a Paradigm Shift hit for two. Moxley slapped on the Rear Naked Choke and Hobbs slowly faded, giving Moxley the victory.

>Doctors immediately jumped in to check on Hobbs, as he legit hurt his leg it seems. Callis said injuries happen, but he’s more concerned about the loss. Moxley looked in the camera and told Ren Narita he’s a dead man before we see Konosuke Takeshita staring Moxley down at the stage, motioning for the IWGP Title.

by EffingKENTA

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