Japanese lesbian couple granted refugee status in Canada | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

Japanese lesbian couple granted refugee status in Canada | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

by Prestigious_Net_8356

  1. This is absolutely delightful. You can bet there was a meeting of mid-level LDP appointees in the diplomatic corps who held a full meeting about how to craft a statement about how much they “regret” the “misunderstanding” in this issue, but it fell apart when they realized they couldn’t agree which looked worse: trying to BS a claim that a G7 ally doesn’t understand basic aspects of Japanese law, or trying to BS a claim that *Japanese people* don’t understand basic aspects of Japanese law.

  2. > While the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees has said that dozens of Japanese are granted refugee status in other nations every year, its reports do not give specific reasons for doing so.

    Dozens? Under what grounds?

  3. Japan is embarrassingly behind on this simple issue. I don’t know if this news makes any difference, but hopefully it stirs up something.

  4. I’m proud of my country protecting these women and I hope visibility into their persecution helps drive positive social change in Japan.

  5. I wonder if I can get refugee status in Japan from Canada as an economic refugee. The cost of living in Canada is so high with so few low cost options to live your life, like opting out of owning a car due to lack of public transit, extremely limited housing options leading to rampant homelessness, anti-competitive markets leading to monopolies in every industry, lack of political will do do anything about decades long issues. Canada is a piece of shit country.

    I’ve known many Japanese people that come here thinking their lives will be better only to leave and go back because Japan was actually much better in almost every way.

    Japan should definitely fix their views on LGBTQ stuff, but these people are most likely going to be going back to Japan when they realize everyday of their life will be a struggle to not be homeless.

  6. I don’t blame them since Canada is SUPER gay (I’m from Toronto), but QoL in Japan is so much better in general. They might regret it once they deal with our housing costs, rampant homelessness, and restaurants (even ramen) costs 3x as much after tip.

  7. Canada currently has an immigration crisis caused by the current government. This illustrates it perfectly.

    Basically, Canada lets anyone who wants to come to Canada in on bogus claims (fake student visas, fake refugees etc). Then provides them thousands of dollars of free money and services each month that Canadians themselves don’t receive.

    The prime minister literally said “The government’s most important responsibility is making sure Canadians support immigration”. Not help Canadians. He literally said the government’s most important job is to push propaganda (btw even if you support mass immigration, my use of the word propaganda is correct here – look up the definition).

    These two Japanese people shamefully exploited the system. Yes, it’d be cool if Japan had gay marriage. But this has nothing to do with that. These two woman would be perfectly safe in Japan, and have a huge variety of opportunities. Including the opportunity to actually develop a skill and legitimately gain residence in Canada.

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