I got kicked out of the train because I stayed at the Terminus

Today, I had to go to the office early, and to avoid fighting for a seat, I decided to go to the terminus and stay on the train to secure one. Since it’s only one stop from my station, it’s not a long ride. Plus, my destination is at the other end of the line, so I just wanted to have some peace of mind without dealing with crowded trains this morning.

Once I arrived at the terminus, I stayed on and found a seat. Just to provide more information about this line (Nippori Toneri Liner), it runs continuously. Instead of getting off at the terminus, I stayed on until the train reached the other end.

However, a staff member (who was also riding the train) asked me to exit the train and take the next one because I couldn’t stay at the terminus. I’m curious if this has ever happened to you because it’s the first time for me, and I’m quite shocked about it.

by Tall-Peace-701

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