Chicken Sashimi

Chicken Sashimi

  1. Considering the menu is in Japanese, should be in Japan where it’s not so rare. I had it before there but to be honest didn’t taste like much. Good to try though !

  2. Raw ? Where’s the rooster ?
    I’ll pass even if cooked. NOT SUSHI I hope this is a joke.

  3. There is a way to eat chicken sashimi but it has to be a fresh slaughter so the meat is not spoiled. Even then..I don’t know 🤷‍♂️

  4. It’s called torisashi, and is a traditional way of eating chicken in Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures. There are super strict guidelines on slaughtering chicken for consumption in this way, and salmonella risks are low if you eat them at reputable establishments. There’s even a dedicated page on the official government site for [Kagoshima about how strictly things are controlled to minimize risk](

    That said I would not eat it elsewhere because handling may not be done as carefully and obviously safety has nothing to do with whether or not one likes it.

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