4 years of Japanese study and still stuck in between N4 and N3, what should I do?

For some context, I am a fresh graduate from college in the US. I started learning Japanese from my sophomore year (back in 2020). I used the Minna No Nihongo textbooks and it took me about 1 year to finish them. However, in 2021, many life events happened and junior year of college was difficult time for me, so I skipped nearly one year of study.

In 2022 I began learning JLPT N3 and that’s when I realized the problem. I forgot many basic knowledge but I am reluctant to learn Minna No Nihongo again. So I was studying N3 and try to pick up here and there, but I don’t feel totally confident, and I gave up again to focus on life after college. In 2024, now settling down, I want to actually end this “Learn- not confident- give up” cycle, what should I do?

by CommonPhrase3032

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