Difficult Class/ Talking to JTE about concerns.

Hi. I’m looking for advice about disinterested classrooms and communicating with JTEs.

I teach at a low level public SHS one day a week with about 20kids in each class. Across all 3 grades they have no interest in English and are still learning what most would consider middle school level English. I am usually T1 except on the occasion where I might check the 3rd years writing.

However, 2nd and 3rd grade try and engage, or just nap if they’re not interested. I have a good relationship with these students and really love teaching them.

1st year however is different story. One on one the kids are kind. During class they just get up and sit with their friends and talk. To me the problem is that they can’t understand me what-so-ever so of course they aren’t going to bother. The JTE doesn’t translate anything I say so I’m left trying to explain the game/activity to them individually in Japanese when I go around the class. My Japanese listening is very good, but I usually can’t explain rules of games clearly, so they usually have more question at that point. The JTE doesn’t do much here either, normally she is with the most rowdy and loud kids. When I’m talking, she is still playing with them. There is normally about 6 students who try and engage with the work, so I end up focusing on them. Sometimes it so noisy I can’t even do that.

I used to play more active games like Pictionary or charades with them, but they’ve become so uncontrolled that I can’t do that. I think they like that kind of games, but I’d have cards that said “strawberry” “running” or “house” and must translate the English for them because they couldn’t read it. Now I try and do guessing games or hint quizzes, but it is just getting worse.

I dread going to the two 1st year classes every week. I just cry whenever I think about it.

I’d like to talk to my supervisor about it. We normally have a good relationship and when I am T2 in the other years he is an amazing teacher. A couple of times I’ve remarked that the 1st year classes are total failures, but he just laughed and said that just the 1st years. But I think that him and the other JTEs aren’t happy with my performance. I want to talk to them both (supervisor and 1st year JTE) but I’m so beat down that I’m struggling to have the confidence to do so. I don’t want to just cry uselessly. Also, the other week in the teacher’s room I heard them talking about the class (maybe only 3m away from me) and it was basically “she just an ALT” and laughing. Maybe I was mistaken but… It makes me feel like it’s impossible to have my concerns heard now. I know I’m on the outside because I’m only there once a week, but I just feel so shitty.

I’m looking for advice on what to do. In regard to the teaching and also talking to my supervisor. I don’t want to blame anyone but it’s difficult not to feel like I’m being hung out to dry. (also sorry if its hard to read, it’s hard for me to write)

by Hopeful_End4577

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