Why is it common for photos to be prohibited in stores?

So I went to check out washing machines the other day at an edion and ended up getting marketed to by a sales rep when I saw one I actually considered buying.

I pulled out my phone to take a picture of it and he went on a small tangent to the effect of “we usually ask customers to not take photos unless they have permission from staff, but because I’m here with you this time it’s fine but next time ご遠慮ください”. I just はい’d and left shortly after.

I saw on the way out there is a no photo sign at the entry and I’ve noticed it in multiple other shops since.

So… why? Why can I (technically) not just take a photo of the damn products without permission? What are they trying to protect? They prefer me to write it down on a notepad instead?

by DasGaufre

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