Planning on travel within the next 1 – 2 years.

Dear community, I want to read your opinions and advices
I’m planning to go to Japan on a WHV for next year or the one after that, the places I’m considering right now are Osaka, Hokkaido, Kyoto and Fukuoka can anyone give me some insight on how difficult it might be to get a job as foreigner on the previously said Visa? Being completely honest I don’t have a major but have experience on security, English teaching and “basic” computer jobs.
I’ve been speaking with a Japanese woman on an app called Tandem and she says life cost should be around Â¥250,000 – Â¥275,000 per month, for reference she lives in Yamaguchi, can anyone tell me if the same applies for the cities I mentioned?

The reason for the trip being planned within the next 2 years is that I want to save as much money as possible, right now I’m making a more or less good wage (at least for my city standards)

Any comments are appreciated.
Thanks beforehand people.

by Fer117259

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