How I got a job in Japan (Non-tech, non-teaching edition)

In November 2020 on a whim, I emailed a brewery in Japan asking if they had any open positions. Fast forward – they asked for a resume, a couple of interviews later I was hired as a Project Manager in December 2020. It was a very quick process.

The paperwork for the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) was submitted at the end of December. Obviously with holidays and people out of office it wouldn’t be processed until the next month.

Five months later in May 2021, the immigration asked for additional information from my future employer pertaining to their business.

One month later in June 2020, six months to the day, I received word that my COE was approved.

Now I wait for visas to be issued, who knows when that will be.


* I’m in my early 40’s.
* I have 10 years of experience as a project manager.
* I do not speak Japanese. The brewery speaks Japanese and English.
* My visa type is “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services”.
* I have a Bachelor of Arts degree.
* I have experience working in/at a brewery.
* I’ve been to Japan about a dozen times.

  1. Big congrats! It’s nice hearing from non-tech non-teaching peeps since I’m neither, puts a little dash of optimism in my coffee.

  2. Congrats on the role. I hope to transition to to Japan within the next 3 years.

  3. Now that you will be living in Japan, do you think you will pressure yourself to learn basic conversation?

  4. Now I know that I can make it happen! Thanks for sharing! 😁🧳✈️🚪🇯🇵

  5. Sorry if asking this is rude, but does the brewery pay well enough to live comfortably in the city you’ll be working in?

  6. Excellent! I was thinking about doing the exact same thing (I also have brewery experience) a few years ago but somehow convinced myself it’d never work out. Congrats!

  7. Man, where is this brewery? I would LOVE to see a brewery speak English, let alone Japanese! /s

  8. Congratulations! Wish I clicked on this months ago. I decided to take the English teaching route because my Japanese isn’t great and I do love teaching. It’s a stepping stone for me to eventually live there permanently so I can have more career opportunities. I will definitely save this post as it has a lot of valuable information.

  9. This is great! Can you DM me the brewery? I moved to Japan and then COVID hit so I haven’t done much in the way of checking out the beer scene here.

  10. Congratulations!

    Is it a big brewery?
    What actually the project manager suppose to do there in the brewery? I wonder, as a PM myself but in the art gallery, who looks the job in Japan.

  11. Would you be open to providing a paid English-language brewery tour of some type in the future? I’d love to go on a tour like that.

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