How is my plan?

All advice welcome. 🙂

“I’ve always wanted to live in Japan since I was a kid… blah blah” (stuff you’ve probably read a million times)

Currently: Just graduated grad school majoring in Engineering Technology (emphasis in Computational Health Informatics)this past December. Set to attend language school October. (submitted the last of my paperwork this week)

So originally I wanted to attend language school for 18 months, for learning Japanese, and building my Engineering portfolio and get my PMP to hopefully get a job in Japan once I actually see what it’s like to live there and not as a tourist. My experience is I work for a EHR company, in health tech. More project management things, total experience is about 3-4 year in the field. Been learning Japanese for about a year, but due to the rigorous nature of my job, I’ve been slacking. I’ve saved the funds and everything, and my job has told me I’m always welcome back.

However, now I’m thinking still do language school, but only 1 year, do the same personal upskilling, truly dedicate to speaking and writing.. things JLPT prep doesn’t really teach. maybe work part time in that year?? (thoughts welcome, since i’d be cutting back on time there, more money means I REALLY won’t need to, but…. immersion?) then come back and work for a few more years, self study to get to N2. unless I blow that shit out the water and get N2 in a year… (sarcasm) and try to maybe apply for jobs after putting my upskilling to use.

I know the yen isn’t doing well right now, so thinking maybe come back to some healthy funds and then try to move onceI save again. I’m 26 btw.

Thanks in advance. 😊

by Alternative_Dot8366

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