Going to doctor when switching to work visa

Hi everyone, had something stuck on my mind recently.

I’ve succesfully switched from student to work (engineer) visa around January of this year. On December, I had some dental treatments and I had kept using the national health insurance card.

After working for a month, my shakai hoken card came in, but I didn’t know that I had to drop out of the National insurance by myself as this is my first year here. This ended up in me being a month late on a payment, which I got refunded for but due to an oversight I had also missed Decembers payment of 1800 yen also. I paid it immediately after being told.

My two questions are:

Is the late payment, or the fact that I dropped out of the national insurance late; likely to affect my visa renewals in the future? it was almost 2-3 months late.

They have explicitly asked if I used my NHI after changing visa status. As far as I remember, I had stopped the dental treatments a few weeks before. I’m pretty 99% sure that I haven’t used my NHI after. Even if I did, what would be the consequences. My visits cost no more than 1500 yen usually.

Sorry for the long post and thanks to anyone who reads it.

TLDR; Does forgetting to drop out of NHI, or late insurance premiums affect visa renewals?

by Ithrowthisaway3131

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