Does the learning process ever become any easier?

Every time I try to learn a word or a Grammar point, it feels like 10 new ones suddenly appear to besiege me from all sides, and once you try addressing one of those new issues, another untold number spawn in their place. It is a war of attrition, but there are tens of thousands of these things, and only one of me.

I have been trying to study Japanese as thoroughly as possible, but even when fighting through the early mornings or the sleepless nights, little progress is ever truly made. Even making minor observable progress at this point is exceedingly difficult; I feel almost as though I am playing a game where I have to complete college-level assignments just to take a single step, and yet the task at hand before me is to scale an entire Mountain.

I now look back with sympathetic pity at my early days of blissful innocence, when learning serious, important words 大好き, 先輩, or “やめて!” made me feel invincible.

Will the Sun ever shine upon me again? For those of us wandering through this darkness, is there any hope for us, or shall our struggle endure forever?

by Throwaway12r5b

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