Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (May 20, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. I’m reading the lyrics to this song 狂想レクイエム

    There’s a lyric that goes:
    –愛しくなるね– 素敵さ

    it’s translating shows up a “Becoming filled with love” but I don’t see where that’s coming from?

    Translated literally I think it says it’s… “Becoming lovely”? “Lovely change”? “Changing into something lovely”?

  2. Is there anydiscord community where many learners gather?
    i am in en jp exchange but chat is almost dead

  3. Hello!

    I have a quick question regarding 休む. I’m assuming its an intransitive verb so I was wondering why is it taking an object when used a sentence like: クラスを休む (クラスを休みます.)

    Thank you so much in advance! I appreciate your time.

  4. Im having trouble with this dictionary example sentence:


    I don’t understand the use of で in the sentence. Maybe に would have made more sense to me since I have seen it used in similiar manners. Would appreciate if anyone could help me.

  5. From [https://ibb.co/3F523V9](https://ibb.co/3F523V9)

    > 今日なら家族四人でゆっくりできそうな気がしたら合わせたのよ

    What does 合わせた mean?

    (There are the total of 4 people in family.)

  6. >あの子が家を出るまでの高校卒業まであと二年しかないのよね

    I am confused about two までs in this sentence. It means “there is only two years remaining until high school graduation, which lasts until she leaves house (and becomes independent)”??

  7. Hello!

    I’m working the back of the book for Genki, the “Reading and Writing” section on page 331.

    This sentence came up: 留学生のウデイさんはアンケートを作って、日本人の会社員に聞きました.

    I fully understand what its saying, but I was wondering the meaning for 聞きました. I know it can mean ask or listen. So I was wondering: will it be context that clues me to know if its saying “asked or listened”

    I’m pretty sure this sentence means “made a questionnaire and asked a Japanese employee.” Because initially translated it to: “made a questionnaire and listened to a Japanese employee.”

    Thank you in advance for your help! I appreciate it!

  8. I’m working through the Core 2k6k deck. I’m not very far in, but what’s really been tripping me up is the fact that most cards are just the kanji on the front with no furigana or audio. I often find that when I flip it over, it is a word I already know, I just didn’t recognize the kanji. So, should that count as being wrong?
    And I am learning kanji, but I’m learning them separately from my vocabulary practice. And a lot of vocabulary is just kanji I haven’t gotten to yet. Very common beginner words could be written with kanji that’s N2 level when I’m only at N4.

  9. When is 喰 used instead of 食? In Jisho it seems that they are interchangeable but if that’s the case I don’t understand the purpose of 喰

  10. >「亜季子さんと相談してねえ。金曜日と月曜日と火曜日をお互いに夏季休暇に設定して、連休を合わせたんだよ」

    I am uncertain ahout what 後ろ refers to. So based on the dialogue, the first half of the week is Wednesday and Thursday while the second half of the week is Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday?

    It seems to be contrary to the answers [from here](https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1252689757).

  11. Hello everyone, I am a native Spanish speaker and I also have a C2 in English. I was wondering if that provides any sort of advantage in this learning process. I just started practicing hiragana and katakana. Would love to read what y’all think, thanks!

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