Accidentally got on the ladies car

Got on the train with my twins in a stroller & am just riding along.

Realize I’m surrounded by a bunch of ladies.

Whoops. Ladies car

Do kids in strollers get an excuse to ride?

  1. Well it’s only the Woman’s Only car during the morning rush hour, so if you could fit a stroller it probably wasn’t rush hour…at least on my route.

  2. If your a Foreigner they often ignore it and having kids it’s unlikely that you are a predator with kids in toe. I have ended up in the car by accident and everyone ignored it

  3. Technically* being in ladies car probably** aren’t illegal so you are probably fine.

    * The law prohibits discrimination in public transport.

    ** But this case has never come up in court.

  4. Are you sure it was the ladies car? You’re in Tokyo and afaik most/all lines here only have ladies only cars until 9:30am or so.

    Even so I don’t think anybody would care in that situation. They probably can understand you’re working your kids and maybe the other cars were more cramped or something. Fwiw the signs/announcements generally do say that kids in elementary school and younger are also allowed on regardless of sex. As are carers of disabled people, etc.

  5. Back when I was a student in Tokyo sometimes I’d get on the ladies car (because the others were packed, because the station staff instructed me to do so…) and nothing happened. As long as you behave like a civilized human being and not like an animal, normally nobody cares.

  6. Hahaha, happened to me when I was new in Japan. It took me a good 15 minutes to realize that, hey, I was the only man. Then I noticed the pink sign in the window and I felt like absolute garbage hahahaha. I guess I got a pass since I was a foreigner :pppp

  7. I’ve gotten on by accident. It’s always funny to see one of the station staff run over and try their hardest to explain my mistake. “Ah, you man, man no, no this train!”

  8. It happens to every foreign guy here at least once. Rite of passage living here, just move cars if you can as soon as you realise your mistake.

  9. Reminds me that in my first year in Japan a staff member of the Rinkai line took me the women’s carriage but I could barely understand why, as it was a Sunday evening (after a concert) and there were probably more men than women in it, yet I was the only one he approached to tell to get off.

    I still don’t understand that one.

  10. Happened to me couple of times. Was looking at my phone and not paying attention.

    Once you realize your mistake just get off at the next station and hop on the other car. No need to make a big deal out of it.

  11. I made the same mistake last month, however I was alone.

    Most of the time I go to the train station at around noon and it’s already not the time of ladies car’s presence, and that day I got something to do very early morning and rushing into a closing door….then I got lots of attention…..and I had to kept myself facing door until next station and flee…..😵‍💫

  12. Oh no! Someone call the police!
    You’re fine, if you realize just move cars. Some women might even caution you but thats it.

    I see Japanese guys riding the female only cars often but no one says anything.

  13. I once rode the women only car accidently. After I realized, I got off immediately, and then disembarked at the next station.

  14. Some trains if I remember correctly include 介助者 (helpers, caregivers) in the list. I suppose since you are taking care of your kids it is fine.

  15. If you get in the ladies car with kids accidentally, then it would be fine, but you might feel awkward. But that’s it.

  16. I would see you and think you probably just had some brain fog from looking after twins!
    I’m sure most women would see you with your kids and know you made a harmless mistake.

  17. Pretty sure parents with young children in toe (regardless of sex) are fine on women only trains.

  18. It happens all the time. Don’t sweat it.

    Source: I ride the women only car during my morning commute.

  19. I’m pretty sure you are allowed to ride in the ladies car during restricted hours while travelling with young children. Surprised to see nobody posted this.

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