Tax Situation for Student Visa (UK citizen working part-time for UK company remotely)


I’m a British citizen studying Japanese at a university in London. In August/September, I will be starting my roughly 1 year of study in Japan as a mandatory requirement for my course. 

Throughout university, I have worked remotely as a part-time employee for a company for 15 hours per week. The company is based in the UK also and I am paid in GBP. Although my employers have no problem with me continuing this job in Japan, I’m struggling to find a fixed answer to what is required to enable this in Japan. Whilst this Reddit has lots of great information, I still have a few questions and was hoping to get them answered so I can proceed with absolute confidence. 

* From what I’ve read, it is Employment Income which counts as Aggregate Taxation. As a Student on a 1 year 3 month VISA, I’m assuming I’m classed as a “Non-Resident” and therefore have to file a return, is this correct?
* When arriving in Japan, I know it’s necessary to receive a stamp to confirm the right to work and that hours must be kept within a threshold. However, what is the process for reporting my employment status – do I need to flag this in advance or is it simply a case of filing a tax return when the time comes?
* Are there any actions my employer needs to take? As far as I can see it seems the burden falls on me to file a return in Japan. They are eager to know if any action is needed from their side.
* From what I gather I would need to file an Article 172 Declaration before March 2025, then again around August 2025 before I leave. Are there any steps before and after this? Is payment made directly along with the form or will I need to allow time for this to clear before I return home?

I appreciate this is a big ask but if anyone has direct experience with this process, would it be possible to share how this played out, what you had to file and any other information you think might be pertinent – it would be greatly appreciated. 

My main concern here is following proper procedures in a timely manner. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

by MajorMore9379

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