Spouse visa tax documents

Hi! I’ve tried looking for info on the immigration site but it wasn’t clear (also tried to call them but they never pick up) and looked through this sub but couldn’t find an answer so in case someone has been through the same steps:

While changing your status of residence, did you have to submit your own proof of tax documents or was it your spouses?

I’m currently on a work visa but quitting my job this week (amicably, and I will of course notify immigration within 14 days), so at the time of my spouse visa application (next month) I will be unemployed. We got married last month and in the application form I put my husband as my guarantor/support and gave his work/salary info but mine is blank (since I’ll be unemployment).

I already went to the city hall to get his 納税証明書 and 住民税課税証明書+ other documents, and I assumed his tax documents were the only ones I needed in my case but should I have gotten mine too?

Thank you for your help 🙂

by Sea-Translator6092

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