Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (May 22, 2024)

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by AutoModerator

  1. a bit confused about this embedded sentence:

    > 占い師は老魔導士ゼフェンに聞いた話を始めた。

    I believe this says something like, “The fortune teller began to tell the story that the old wizard Zefen had told her.”

    In context, that’s what it should be I think.

    But I’m getting messed up by the embedded sentence ゼフェンに聞いた

    If that was alone I thought (?) it would mean “(I) asked Zefen”. And nothing to do with something he had told her. So I’m confused what’s going on with that.

    I thought the way that the verb 聞く worked was に was you asked something and if it has を that means what you heard. But I don’t get what particle it uses if you are told something. Or is it…also に? In which case I guess it makes sense. But could be tricky verb since に can mean you were told or you asked.

  2. Does これの exists? I just saw it on a tweet like “これのゲームは…) and i’m confused because I never saw it and i think it should be この

  3. I have trouble trying to understand [this definition](https://kotobank.jp/word/%E4%BA%A4%E5%B7%AE%E5%88%86%E9%A1%9E-1702659) for 交差分類.

    > 区分の法則のうち,一貫性の原則(各段階における区分特性はただ一つでなければならない)が守られない場合に生ずる結果.例えば楽曲を区分する時,一貫性を十分配慮せずに,バロック,古典派,ロマン派,器楽曲,声楽曲といった区分肢を用意すると,時代と演奏手段の二つの区分特性が混在して交差分類の原因となり,特定の楽曲を一意に分類することができなくなる.区分特性ごとに区分し,区分特性適用の優先順位を定めておけば,交差分類は生じない.

    In particular, I am not sure what the terms 法則, 一貫性の原則, 各段階, and 区分特性 mean in this context. Its usual English translations doesn’t make sense…

    区分の法則 is means a set of “rules” for something must follow to belong to a category?

    一貫性の原則 is “unchanging” set of rules?

    各段階 means each stage but I am not sure what “stage” means in this context.

    I am not sure about 区分特性 and how it is different from 区分の法則.

  4. Anyone know of a good guide to how to read math out loud?

    And, with that in mind, how would this be read out loud (or in your head):

    > *m*x*n* 行列
    > *m*と*n*は正の整数とする。
    > *s*=1,2,…,*m*とする。
    > *t*=1,2,…,*n*とする。
    > aₛₜ は数とする。

    I’m speaking specifically, of course, about the

    – x (multiplication symbol)

    – =

    – …

    – aₛₜ

  5. Am i understanding this sentences from the Hayao Miyazaki dialogue from Quartet 1 Chapter 1 correctly? Tried translating them


    The smile of the director can look kind, but he becomes very strict when making movies. For example, until (the staff) can draw exactly as he says, he’ll make the staff fix the drawing countless times

    2.Not sure if i understand this sentence well. Especially the こともある meaning and the かける.


    “Also, apparently he has …spent?(かけて)(and made?作った) more then a year on a 4 second scene”

    3. What does the に after 趣味 mean/do here?


    I understand this as “he(miyazaki) doesnt use his precious time for TV and hobbies”, but dont get why theres a に being used

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