Eikaiwa wants me to relocate before officially offering me a contract

So, I interviewed last week and got an email the next day saying I was successful. However, they did not offer me a contract because I do not have a place in the new city yet. He asked me during the interview if I wanted part-time or full-time. I said part-time because I’m on a working holiday visa.

I still haven’t seen any contract, part-time or full-time. He said in the email after the interview, let us know when you get there and we’ll be in touch “once a placement is identified.” I’m young and naive, but “trust me bro” isn’t quite sufficient given I’m moving cities for a job I applied for and “accepted”. What’s to stop them changing their minds after I get there?

He seemed to think I wanted to stay in my current city, yet the job listing was for the city I’m relocating to specifically, and I made it clear in the interview that I was interested in a placement for *that* city. When I emailed back, asking for contract details and pay etc. the recruiter responded with all sorts of numbers and incentives, for full-time, but no actual contract even to look at, let alone sign.

I saved up enough money to last me my stay, so I don’t need the job. A little extra cash never hurts. But this is already exhausting and all I’ve done is accept the job. Is this just how it is or am I right to be sceptical?

by DuanePipe

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