How to approach requesting parental leave?

The company I started working with last February seemed like a good deal on paper, but as time goes on, more issues are making me regret leaving my previous employer. The most recent issue is that, to maintain their desired profit margin, they changed my bonus system from something tangible to something totally unrealistic (effectively cutting me out of it). This happened when I asked them to fulfill the promises they made during the interview and cover my health insurance.

I’m going to have a child in approximately seven months. I haven’t told my employer yet. After talking with a few trusted coworkers, I learned that none of them received any parental leave and didn’t really fight for it. I’ve heard that in Japan, I have the right to four weeks of paid parental leave, which I can take at any time within the first two months. Based on how meetings tend to go, I anticipate a difficult conversation when I bring this up. I also want to avoid being fired for vindictive reasons later on.

What strategies can I use to make this process as smooth as possible? Additionally, what preventive actions can I take to protect myself from being fired for requesting things promised by either my company or the Japanese government?

by Ok_Demand950

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