Worried about the Japan heat. Curious about other people’s experience

Finally decided to stop hesitating and finally visit Japan before I have any life regrets

However the cheapest tickets I could get were in early to mid august. And I didn’t do sufficient research regarding the weather before booking the tickets – I know, stupid move

However, since booking the tickets; I’ve done some research into the general average temperature around August for Tokyo, and concensus seems to be around 27-30 degrees celsius. But in every other post I read people are making it sound like I’m going to be walking into the pits of hell – and I’m genuinely panicking.

I do have experienced with hot and humid weather; having visited Singapore and Malaysia exclusively most of my life. However, I can’t really tolerate hot weather too well in general. I can mainly wear thin clothes and short pants throughout my trip, but I’m not sure it’ll be sufficient.

Should I be particularly concerned about my trip to the point where I need to cancel or re-schedule the time of the flight? Anyone can share their own experiences – especially my fellow aussies?

p.S: for a around 10-11 days trip, would 400000yen (exchanged from australian dollars) be sufficient in terms of trip budget (if i’m eating relatively cheap and living in cheap accomodation)?

EDIT: I’ve bitten the metaphorical bullet and changed the flight time to later in Oct; just works out better for me in general as well as less to worry about in terms of transport and weather. Despite that, thanks for all the advice guys

by Yay_Depression

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