Japanese man has some interesting messages for tourists by the Statue of Hachikō

Japanese man has some interesting messages for tourists by the Statue of Hachikō

by frozenpandaman

  1. Honestly wish I could read all the text on this.  

    This dude may be eccentric but a lot of the headlines are spot on.  Why are there so many live streamers everywhere? In kabukicho too?

    I saw a couple the other night in goldengai with a full size stroller and their rolling luggage.  Wtf.

    And don’t get me started on the people randomly stopping in the middle of busy sidewalks to check their phones.  Please just step to the side of the walkway, it’s not hard.  Usually there is a pole or something to stand near so you’re not blocking people at all. 

  2. Side-stepping the fact this man clearly has mental issues and needs proper help, if he wants to complain he should do it to his government. JGov WANTED mass tourism. But tourism-based economies are shit for the poors. If you didn’t want trash tourists, don’t devalue your currency and keep your citizens on starving wages.

    Don’t complain when you get what you always wanted.

  3. Quite impressed that the English is coherent and well-formed. He must have gone to significant trouble to get this right.

    That’s a lot of reading to do for passersby though

  4. As I said in another subreddit:

    It’s really funny to me, good or bad, how behind Japan is with all this tourist stuff. The economy is so shitty here now that finally it’s becoming affordable, which means more tourists, but it’s like look at a cities like London, Madrid, New York, Kuala Lumpa, fucking anywhere, that have millions of tourists INCLUDING JAPANESE and have done so for years.

    Imagine one of these boards in London aimed towards Japanese: ‘London is not a museum. Don’t use cameras and block OUR path.’

    ‘ The guards are not props, please respect US.’

    To be fair the stuff on this board is all valid and a lot of tourists need to be told, but it’s just interesting to me how Japan thinks its so special for gracing its golden permission on us peasants to enter its lands and take advantage of its shitty currency and use our stronger money as if tourism is some special thing Japan has granted us.

  5. Acting like Japanese people don’t do all of the things on this list is pretty rich.

  6. Do people not do hours of research before they visit?

    All of this stuff is like “Traveling to Japan 101.”

  7. stop livestreaming kabukicho, someone might notice me haggling with a tachinbo

  8. Only thing missing is “leave your money and get the fuck out” all the recent tourist bashing is a fad that will pass as it always does. An anecdotal example here and there a picture or two and people jump back on that wagon. Or I just don’t encounter tourism enough to be offended so I’ll see my self out now.

  9. The page about wandering with a can of alcohol is really funny considering just how many regular Japanese people are guilty of it. Of all the things to call tourists out on, this is the flimsiest lol

  10. Don’t wonder around with a can of alcohol? Are you taking the bloody piss? Even obaa are drinking strong zero on trains and busses

  11. “Don’t block our path”

    Brother I’ve been blocked by japanese people and schoolgirls on bikes more than I have suitcases

  12. I have a few words for this guy, “excuse me” “thank you” and “get a hobby.”

  13. including the ‘Japan Travel Tips 🤍’ section after all that is so funny

  14. Dude could use a QR code that links to a website for more convenient reading.

  15. On a train at Shibuya right now and it’s only groups of young Japanese guys making noise. It’s really a nonsense to pretend Japanese are always quiet on trains. They are quiet when they are alone, not when they are actually travelling with others. Tourists are mostly the same.

  16. I passed by Reeperbahn today in the middle of the day and I was terrified, I don’t know want to know what happens at night

    Kabukicho seems much more tame by comparison

  17. Most of these things he list so proudly of can be applied to his own people. Something something glass house

  18. Wasteful use of paper. Japan really is just looking for an opportunity to vent their frustration on foreign tourists. Might be that seeing other people being financially capable of travel is hurting their feelings

  19. Just replace all of that with “You are now entering an extremely special and unique country with crazy things like ‘queuing’, and ‘not walking around with alcohol’ (?????), which is entirely foreign to people outside of Japan.”

    Japan trying not to be ethnocentric challenge ((impossible))

  20. Dont block our path is cute. Donno how many times a day the perfect infallible Japanese citizens pull this shit on me. He lets come to a dead stop in the middle of the sidewalk or hi traffic area to check my keitai! Good plan!

  21. “Japanese people angry because tourists behave just like Japanese tourists”

  22. “Don’t block our path” my brother in Christ have you ever been behind a group of Japanese tourists on Oxford street 

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