Re-homing 2-3 goldfish

We currently have six goldfish (I think they are 和金) that my son brought home from a local festival in November. They seem to be thriving, but I know that the tank we have them in is too small, and they keep growing!
We have asked around locally (including at some schools) to see if anyone wants some goldfish, but with no luck.
We live in Tokyo. I don’t have a car but would be willing to transport the fish by train within about 20-30 minutes of our home.
The fish are about 6-7 cm in length.
I would love to find a good home for them (2 to 3)!

by tokyowebby

  1. Just get a bigger tank. You can keep them outdoors (as we do ours).

    We bought a nice 60 cm tank (adequate for say four of them) this year from Amazon for only ¥6000.

    You can also post on r/TokyoFishKeepers.

  2. Just throwing this out there in case OP is interested.

    I have a tank setup that I’m not using anymore, including the stand, canister filter, UV filter, and water chiller. It previously housed 2 goldfish and some snails. Let me know if you’d like to take them.

  3. Goldfish get huge. The small ones you see are typically that size because they are stunted by a concentration of urea from improperly cared for tanks

    Edit: sorry I meant to respond to someone and I’m too lazy to fix it

    Hope your goldfish can find a good home 🙂

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