Unauthorized drone photographed Tokyo Tower, which was supposed to be prohibited from flying, but posted on the instagram.

Unauthorized drone photographed Tokyo Tower, which was supposed to be prohibited from flying, but posted on the instagram.

by maruhoi

  1. > The person who posted the video is a man based in the United States who makes films.
    > In principle, flying drones in densely populated areas or above 150 meters is prohibited.
    > The area where the video was taken, including Minato Ward where Tokyo Tower is located, and the airspace above the 333-meter-tall Tokyo Tower are supposed to be no-fly zones.
    > It is possible to fly with permission, but the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism stated, “We have no record of granting permission and are consulting with the police about the situation.”
    > A lawyer says that it could be considered a violation of the Aviation Law.
    > Satoshi Mihira, a lawyer from Mizuho Chuo Law Office, stated, “A violation of the Aviation Law can result in a fine of up to 500,000 yen, and in some cases, arrest. For example, if there is a report and the police come, and the person doesn’t stop or the act is malicious, there is a possibility of arrest.”

    Japan Flight Rules for Unmanned Aircraft(Drones and Model Aircraft, etc.)

  2. (before reading the article) “I bet it was some entitled asshole from America.”

    (after reading the article and heaving a long sigh) “You bastards *really* make it hard for those of us that live here.”

  3. Headline ran through translator repeatedly, was supposed to be in English, but posted on the reddit.

  4. I flew my drone in Japan a few weeks ago, only in rural places, away from civilization and people, and below 150m. I registered with the drone agency and had remote ID working when doing so. I had a blast.

    Idiots like these are going to ruin it for all of us.

  5. What an absolute idiot. Taking advantage of Japanese hospilitality and then not following Laws.

  6. So, what will happen?

    They will bar him from entering Japan next?

    Was the drone brought from the US?

  7. So, Tokyo Tower was prohibited from flying? But a drone photographed it flying? And then posted it “on the Instagram”? Did I get that right?

    Seems that Tokyo Tower in flight should be bigger news…

  8. I didn’t know that flying drones is illegal in Japan.

    The more you know 😳

  9. Got to say – the video does look crazy impressive, but c’mon. Rules are rules, and ruining the experience for everyone else just for your 5 internet clicks is awful.

  10. The tower is right over a large popular park with many kids.

    He’s probably not in country anymore but hopefully he gets a lifetime ban.

  11. Can someone educate me on this? It’s only a matter of time before drones are all over.

    Is the main issue safety related?

  12. Curious how anybody would discover it is you flying the drone in a built up area. I’m not familiar with any of this.

  13. Right here. Prime example of a stupid idiot that puts us all to shame and ruin… such disgrace

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