Official Tier List for Teaching Jobs in Japan

**F Tier (Under** ¥**300,000 a month)**

Dispatch ALT (sans JET)





**D Tier (** ¥**300,000-** ¥**350,000 a month)**


Direct Hire ALT

Private ES/JHS/HS Dispatch

Technical College

Business English gigs


**C Tier (** ¥**300,000-** ¥**400,000 a month)**

Part-time university gigs

Tier 3 International School

US Military base school


**B Tier (**¥**400,000-** ¥**500,000 a month)**

Direct Hire private school

Tier 2 International School

Full-time contract University

Licensed public school teacher


**A Tier (Over** ¥**500,000 a month)**

Tenure University

Tier 1 International School



\*If you are coming to teach in Japan for a year or two, don’t worry about this. Your job is to have fun and enjoy yourself. You can take an F tier job and have fun because this isn’t a career path for you

\*In general, you should try to spend only 2 years max in a tier. It’s up to you to move yourself up

\*Getting A tier is very rare but settling in the B tier will allow for a comfortable life.

\*In general you will need qualifications/credentials to move up tiers. You MAY be able to “charisma” yourself from F tier to D tier but that’s about it. It’s up to you to get qualified/credentials.




by AnyRecording9797

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