Shinsotsu or Chūto Saiyō, education Advice and opinion.

Hello there, hoping everyone is doing great, I have been analyzing and looking for what path could be better, I know my opportunities should be better, but them can also be worse. So I have been looking what could be better, try to do a Shinsotsu, form me in Japan, study there and look for a job, or study outside gain some experience and then go to Japan.

* So mainly my options are, Shinsotsu, go there for a 1year and half Japanese school, then get into an IT Senmmongakko and look for a job. Doing this I would be around 28yo finishing the Senmmongakko, It can also be a 3year Senmmongakko, or 2 years, both can be.

* And the other option is to get a bachelors degree in Software Development, from a German University (Not a quite respected or renowned one, also I would do the degree online). gain 1-2 years of experience, and by then probably do just a year of Japanese school and try to get a job. Doing this I would finish all bachelors and a year of Japanese by 28.

In my opinion, the first one excites me more, you know, move there “kind of” early, live there in my mids 20s and not in my late 20s, study and being formed there in Japanese, get used to the life there for 4-5years, but I do know all the challenges that Senmmongakko visa can make since the field of your job has to be strictive on what did you study. I also know that a bachelors degree is better than a vocational school, and also some experience is highly valuable. I have also thought, and why not both? I mean get the bachelors degree, gain some experience, move to Japan, the Japanese school and why not a Senmmongakko or a masters degree, while looking for a good job? Doing this I would be 29-30, kinda late tbh, but already with some experience, good Japanese (I know i need a N2) and a bachelor degree. maybe doing the option 2 and maybe both as i wrote might be better than the first option, its just I like the fact of being formed in Japan. but I would love to get some advice, any advice is welcomed thank you all.

by No_Weakness_9368

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