Any good health / life insurance options?

Hi all, had a health scare recently where I had to get a colonoscopy and something removed after visiting hospital a couple times by ambulance which thankfully turned out to be benign, then a lot of extra blood work and MRIs etc which again thankfully turned up clear.

The experience made me realize I’m not enrolled in any health insurance plans except the ones automatically enrolled by my company (the standard 30% health insurance, some hospital stay insurance and life insurance up to 80m or so). Insurance brought down the cost quite a bit I’m sure but I ended up going around 3-4 different hospitals during the process, some without an invitation letter, and I probably ended up paying 100-200k all in. I don’t think I’m eligible for the ‘maximum payment’ thing on that since that seems to be the cost for treatment at a single hospital not multiple.

Anyway I was wondering if anyone is enrolled in or recommends any good insurance plans for covering both this kind of cost and if e.g. I became disabled and unable to work etc etc and also life insurance for my family if I died. Also will this experience despite not finding anything malicious harm my chances of getting accepted for those plans? Thanks in advance for any help.

by ThrowawayHealthJp

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