Changing Company housing contract to personal contract after being laid off

Just got lay off notice from my employer. Nothing is agreed yet, but my main concern is figuring what to do with housing as it is signed by my company on my behalf with the landlord. The usual process as I understand will be to switch this to Personal contract, but I don’t know if I should tell my landlord about the circumstances surrounding this change, and if not, how I can tell him without getting him worried.

I have been renting the place since 2013 with flat rent. Last time they tried to hike rent but I refused and they agreed. My husband still works as normal. I would absolutely have no problem paying rent and likely do not even need to work for the rest of my life, but ideally would like some time to figure out if this is really what I want, so until then it doesn’t make sense to move, as the location is convenient for corporate job and it will be hard to find something in my current area at the same price once I move out. Once I’m sure i wont work again it is better to move out of this area.

The pro of being honest about lay off: the rental rate unlikely to move up. May be able to negotiate more lenient terms – eg continue till next renewal cycle (supposed to be in April 2025). Cons: he might decide to bite the bullet and kick me out altogether since this is technically a new contract.

I guess if I say something like ‘i’m becoming independent investor’ he will be more willing to renew the lease, but likely at 10%-15% higher

Any thoughts/ similar experience?

by Able-Fig5301

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