Need help for the One Piece Premier Show 2024 @ USJ

Alright so, I made my USJ account about a month ago with my friends in school who could read Japanese so I already have my name in katakana, address, and phone number already put in.

The general sale tickets for the show had just opened a couple days ago and just now I had just attempted to buy tickets just to see how the website would work out. I got through, selected S Seats which they still had but I didn’t push through with the purchase as I was now thinking if it would be possible to buy two tickets for my mother and I to watch it?

Would they let my mom and I in even if I were the only holder for the tickets?

Also how do I pay for it? As I’ve been seeing people say that their card keeps getting declined?
Is there any way to bypass that without having to have someone in Japan pay for it?

Just to clarify as well, do I need some special pass for this show? I know it doesn’t come with the general ticket to the park but is there any other ticket needed to purchase these seats?

I need the help </33


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