Traveling Japan with a Severe Soy Milk Allergy

Hello all, I’m traveling to Japan soon and will be in Tokyo for four days and Kyoto/Osaka for another four. I have a very severe soy milk allergy (not any other soy products, literally just soy milk – I know it’s a weird one). Will I be running into this product a lot in food and drinks? And if so, how do I specify that it not be used? Thanks!

by PumpkinGuru1905

  1. I don’t think I had anything with soy milk in it while I was there before.

  2. I don’t think many dishes have hidden soy milk, if you visually don’t see anything that looks like soy milk it likely isn’t going to have it. It really depends on how serious your allergy is but to be honest I find it hard to imagine a scenario where you would consume any serious amount of soy milk without knowing.

    Soy, in general is obviously very common. Soy sauce is very common and will often be in things. Tofu, which is made from coagulating soy milk and pressing the curds is also very common.

    One other thing which you have probably heard before, asking for modifications is generally not possible at most places in Japan. If some specific dish uses soy milk it’s probably not feasible for them to substitute

  3. I also have this allergy! Like you, only to soy milk and not any other form of soy (tofu, soy sauce). I don’t think soy milk itself is a very common cooking ingredient. There’s such a thing as soy milk hot pot but I don’t think you will really run into it.

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