Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (May 24, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. From [https://ibb.co/6WHsRcL](https://ibb.co/6WHsRcL)

    For context, he has seen her playing golf at late night few days before. I am unsure about たらね part in his response:

    > そりゃあそんな夜遅くに女の子が一人でシムュレーションゴルフに来てたらね

    I think this たら means “when” not “if” and I think he meant to say

    > そりゃあそんな夜遅くに女の子が一人でシムュレーションゴルフに来てたら藤波さんがそんなにゴルフ好きなのかは気になったね

    Is that right?

  2. JA Sensei



    which one of these apps do you recommend most for structured lessons?

  3. >線超えなければいい友達になってたよねうん笑

    Is this just like “crossing a line” in English or is there more to the expression in Japanese?

  4. 犬の散歩した
    When you go to walk your dog, you can say 犬の散歩にいきます. And when you come back you can say 犬の散歩した.
    My question is why can you drop the に and not have to say something like 犬の散歩にいきました

  5. From bubble gum wrapper [https://ibb.co/z27PRxD](https://ibb.co/z27PRxD)

    > 巨峰を服の中に入れ、セクシーに誘惑する

    The first part means to put grapes inside clothes…?

  6. Hello!

    You must use 辞書形, ない形 or 可能形 before ように. However, these verbs must be non-volitional verbs (無意志動詞) if i’m not mistaken.

    Example: it’s my sister’s birthday and the cake is in the refrigerator. I’m tempted to eat it every time I see it.

    Saying 姉のケーキを食べないように見ません is not correct, even if you use ない形 just because 食べる is volitional, right? The same goes to 食べる if it’s in its 辞書形 or 可能形, right?

    That being said, is it correct to say that all 可能動詞 are non-volitional verbs?

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