Anyone with a 中型 or high truck license have any tips for the final road test?

Anyone with a 中型 or 大型 truck license have any tips for the final road test and the backing up test?

I have my final中型 road test as well as the backing up in a tight space test tomorrow before I get my medium truck license. I’m not super great at the backing up and have been watching tons of videos on it.

For the road test, I drove the route a few times the other day with the truck but I felt like the teachers were super nitpicky. I felt like I was driving OK but they said I wasn’t going fast enough, they got mad if a tree branch was sticking out in the road and brushed the mirror (literally didn’t have space to move over?)
And my Japanese isn’t great but I thought I was making turns well except when making a left turn, do I need to hug the curb or something?

My driving school kinda sucks. I’m converting a 準中型 AT license which came with my license when I converted but I think they think I have truck experience or something since they don’t really “teach” me anything. More of a “do it and yell at you when you mess up” kind of style.


by Hiremepleasejapan

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