The Prime Minister said, “I have no intention of adopting an immigration policy.”

The Prime Minister said, “I have no intention of adopting an immigration policy.”

by Independent-Pay-2572

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  2. In connection with the discussions on the proposed amendment to the Immigration Control Act, aimed at the development and securing of foreign human resources, Prime Minister Kishida stated, “The government has no intention of adopting an immigration policy that seeks to maintain the nation by accepting a certain scale of foreigners and their families indefinitely, relative to the population of our citizens.”

    Furthermore, he expressed the view that the “Training and Employment System,” which is to be established under the amendment to the Immigration Control Act, does not constitute an “immigration policy” as it limits acceptance to sectors with labor shortages and sets an upper limit.

    He made these remarks in response to a question from Masamune Wada, a member of the House of Councillors from the Liberal Democratic Party, during a plenary session of the House of Councillors.

  3. Sure you won’t, but you’ll continue to gorge the “Training and Employment System” while vehemently denying that it is de facto an immigration policy, because you now Biden is correct and anything involving the word “immigrant” will draw the rage of Japan’s public opinion.

  4. If the purpose of bringing foreigners to Japan is to exploit their cheap labor, then create confined industrial zones for that purpose. It would make the management of illegal aliens and negative social consequences much more manageable while satisfying the corporations greed for greater profits.

    Oh but wait,…isn’t just colonial plantations all over again?

  5. “wHaT aBoUt OuR cUlTuRe???!!!” cries the country built on taking from other cultures.

  6. I think the Japanese government realizes the need for immigration but don’t want to spook their voters. It’s quite an understandable statement.
    They wanna be low-key about it.

  7. Guys, when Japanese politicians says “no intention”, “we don’t want”, “this is not”, you need to understand the 曖昧、微妙of such statements. Like they increase total tax through but it’s not income tax increase. They build a ship that can carry aircraft but it’s not an aircraft carrier

  8. Let’s flood more people into Japan so salaries can get even dismally lower

  9. > In relation to the debate on proposed revisions to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act with the aim of developing and securing foreign human resources, Prime Minister Kishida stated, ***”The Government has no intention of adopting a so-called immigration policy which seeks to maintain the nation by accepting indefinitely a certain number of foreigners and their families in relation to the national population.”***

    Holy crap, Japan has chosen to commit national suicide rather than embrace immigration.


  10. That’s okay. The world will just wait a few more generations and have a perfectly habitable ghost island nation ready for colonization.

  11. I think it is hilarious that after centuries of rampant xenophobia and sexism Japan is being forced, due to economic forces, to allow more foreigners in, but, the government wont call it immigration because it will piss off the xenophobes hahahahaha.

    Look you can admire and respect a country and still call it out for its faults. As a matter of fact if you dig a country enough and you want to see it do better, you have a moral obligation to call it out

    This isn’t pointing fingers, it’s applying lessons learned. That is national pride, that is patriotism, knowing you can do better and trying to improve.

  12. Holy shit, the level of reading comprehension in this thread is abysmal. Japan currently has no national policy on setting immigration targets, and the LDP does not intend to set one. Contrary to what you may have read about Based Japan on The Neomonarchist-Nationalist Redpill Blog, Japan currently has an immigration policy that is *more open* than most of Europe. If you have employment lined up and no criminal record, you can get a work visa. The LDP has no intention of changing this status quo.

  13. You know what? Import immigrants for jobs BUT let them in for an limited time! After immigrants did their job they must return to their countries. They must not just stay in Japan after they finished their job. Control the process. And of course do not give them citizenship so easily. Maybe for skilled immigrants yes but as we know majority of the immigrants will be cheap labor from poor countries. Meanwhile do everything to boost birthrate. Especially do something about work culture and those big corporations.

  14. All the people saying Biden was right casually forgetting that America has shown no love for immigration or migration either…

  15. Japan has not yet learned how to be multicultural.


    And I think Kurds, Indians, and Chinese are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Japan is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was.


    Immigrants in Japan are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Japan to make, now going into a multicultural mode, and immigrants will be resented for their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Japan will not survive.

  16. Good idea! Dont make high skilled forigners married to japanese nationals duel citizens. Instead continue making them fill paperwork out every few years.
    Then step 2 make sure they stay while attracting high skilled forign workers with the yen that has an ever dropping value against the global reserve currency. GOOD PLAN! There is literally ABSOLUTELY NO way this will fail! 🙂

  17. ”… I have no intention to actually let these foreigners Stay in Japan, I am just going to use them for their labor and then deport them once they are of no use” – Kishida.

    Kishida be saying the quiet parts out loud.

    Never say the quiet parts out loud…. It always comes back to bite you in the ass; Not that he doing very well to begin with, so maybe he just doesn’t care anymore since he likely already knows he will get replaced.

  18. So the gap between employment contracts terminating due to age and nenkin benefits goes from difficult 5 to an impossible 10.

  19. Last June, the Japanese government made a cabinet decision to accept people with specialized skills in 11 industries where there is a shortage of manpower and their families. Currently, the number of people who are increasing are Vietnamese, Nepalese, Indonesian, Filipino, Burmese, Brazilian, and wealthy Chinese. Using the word “immigration” will cause resentment among the people, so they are just cheating.

  20. Pursuing an immigration policy (which is what the ldp has been doing for years) while pretending you’re not doing it by changing the definition of immigration is a good way to wake up to a lot of problems in a few years.

    You can’t build the appropriate infrastructure, prepare for kids of non Japanese parents, etc. while putting your head in the sand.

  21. He means 1. We will not take in permanent residents. 2. We will take millions of immigrants on technical visas for upto 5 years where they will go back home after working in the prime years of their youth with 0 affect to our medical system for 1/4th the salary of a Japanese. And not allowed to bring any family members with with them.

  22. Good to see. Large scale immigration is at best a stop-gap measure, but it’s really not even that. There are no countries that have been able to use it to reverse their birthrate decline.

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