I’m back with my update on the war in my house

I finally witnessed how all these things are getting into my apartment.

I started with German roaches and they quickly got dealt with.

I became depressed and got fruit flies, but they’re gone now.

I got black bees but got rid of them.

I had to go back on the defensive this past week and put out some fly traps. I also found the other type of black roaches in my house despite my recent deep cleaning that I did. And got more of those bait traps. A put two next to my door where they were found.

This morning there was a party going on I counted 5 dead black bees, 1 barely hanging on. And a fat ass that I chased around my apartment for 20 minutes. I watched as another two came from under my door. I walked up and saw that the door doesn’t fully touch the bottom. I ordered a thing for the bottom and am hoping that my war will end soon.

  1. Just move?
    If you move to a place above the 7th/8th floor, you will have almost zero bug problems. It’s also high enough that mosquitos or other smaller bugs don’t enter because they don’t fly that high

  2. i have my own with cockroaches..just saw few of it this year but my target is 0 cockroaches XD

  3. Make sure and liberally hose down the bottom part of the door with roach killer, just saturate it.

    They’ll still come in, but you’ll just find them dead all the time.

    Too bad you can’t get Raid Max in Japan, that stuff works for a long time, and is crazy effective.

    If you live in the states, pick some up when you come back for a visit.

  4. I thought I was reading a nosleep story for a moment.

    Storytime: Long time ago I smashed a lady cockroach at the office 🪳 and her little babies infested the place shortly after. That’s what you get for being a ブラック企業 and exploiting your employees nahahahahaha

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