Moving out apartment check

Reaching out to jlifers, to see if my experience today is a common practice or not.

Today I had moving out apartment check at 6pm, where two real estate agents (?) came and filled out the damage sheet. After some 20 min, they concluded it’s too dark and that they will finish next week.

I took a picture of what they found so far, but couldn’t really accept the fact they will be doing further checks when Im not around – call me paranoid, but now I expect them to use magnifying glass to document other damages 🙂

Is this a normal practice? Should I argue to only accept today’s findings?

1 comment
  1. It’s a bit weird and a problem of their own making by coming so late in the day, but hard to say whether it’s nefarious or not. Silly of them not to realize the lights could be off, but normally the power isn’t actually disconnected and you can turn them on again by flipping the breaker, even if you’ve terminated your electricity contract.

    If it were me, I would call them and say I was there at the agreed time, and it is a big inconvenience they were unable to complete the check as agreed, seems suspicious, etc etc. It won’t change anything, but it might discourage them from trying to claim petty things next week.

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