How to go about learning to write Japanese?

I already know the language but my writing sucks. I have few ideas in my mind about learning to write, but your opinions matter. Any thoughts on this?

  1. DuoLingo has a “learn the characters” section that has you drawing the characters a few times in each exercise, but it doesn’t focus 100% on handwriting which is unfortunate.

    If you have a phone or tablet with a stylus like I do, I recommend getting a PDF with a kana chart that you can practice and undo on a whim. It will save paper that you would use up in notebooks.

    Lastly, you can just try it with a notebook. Pull up a character you want to learn how to write and just do that a bunch every day until you have them memorized. You can also do it for kanji.

  2. Get a graph paper notebook(use four boxes per character to get a hang of how it’s spaced) or notebook meant for practicing Japanese handwriting(they have some on Amazon) and just practice. When I was learning in school we got word sheets where we had to just write the characters over and over and over again and it eventually just stuck.

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