Job search: Follow up or wait?

I’m currently searching for my next job, and there’s one I’m very, very interested in. The company is a *gaishikei*, seems to have a pretty good culture, the salary, conditions and benefits are great, and the job is a more senior role in my field of expertise. Here’s a timeline of my process so far:

* March 28 – I applied on the company website.
* April 4 – The company’s HR representative contacted me to set up a casual call.
* April 8 – I had a casual call with the company’s HR to discuss the job description details.
* April 12 – I took a test to assess some of the job’s required specific skills.
* April 18 – I was informed I passed the test, and I provided my availability for the first official interview.
* April 22 – I was informed that the role was upgraded from Lead to Manager (salary was upgraded too).
* April 26 – I had the first official interview with a senior manager who has a similar job in another office.
* April 29 – I was informed I passed the interview very well and I would be moving to the second (and last) interview with the hiring manager. **Here’s where it gets tricky:** They told me they wanted to find 1 or 2 more candidates worth interviewing beside me so they could feel they were “putting enough effort into the selection process,” but they still hadn’t found anyone else. The last interview round wouldn’t start until they’d found them. I acknowledged this and told them it was okay and I understood, and I stated my interest in working at the company.
* May 6 – I followed up after a week with no updates, but they told me that they still hadn’t found anyone else and that the hiring manager wasn’t comfortable to kick off the last interview yet. Again, I acknowledged this and reiterated my interest to join the company.

And now it’s May 13, a week later, and I still haven’t got any updates. For reference, I’m also looking at and applying to other jobs, but so far none of them come close to this one. I don’t think I’m being delusional in hoping for this one, since it matches my skillset, experience, and salary expectations, and I’ve been doing very well so far in the process according to their feedback. On another note, none of the people involved in the interview process are Japanese nor live in Japan, and all the communication has been and will be in English.

I have a feeling I shouldn’t follow up again yet because it’s very likely that the answer will be the same. I also don’t want to look desperate nor pushy, but I’m having a hard time deciding what to do and how. I don’t know at what point it’s rude of them to keep me hanging – especially since they know from the beginning that my work visa hinges on my next job.

Any thoughts?

by Kangy1989

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