Can my husband and kids come to Japan and get SOFA?

I have been hired at a Japanese company. I will have a working visa, but I have two concerns. First, I don’t want to go ahead and leave my family behind. Second, I won’t make enough to sponsor all of them unless immigration allows me to include the income I’ll have from working remotely for a US company.

We weren’t expecting to be in this position but a job opportunity for my husband fell through and suddenly he won’t have his own visa. We’ve already started packing up and can’t turn back now so we really need to find a solution.

My friend has been living and working under a SOFA visa for 10 years in Kanagawa. She suggested my family come with me and that my husband apply for a local federal job.

a) Is that possible?

b) What kind of visa could we use to get them into Japan at the same time as me (probably the beginning of October)?

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