Company cut overpaid commute allowance from salary

Hello, I work part time at an international kindergarden. My salary is around ¥150.000. I am here on a working holiday and I generally don’t have problems with my salary, as I enjoy the free time I have and it’s enough to have a decent life and get zo know the country.

A few months ago I moved to another place, I told my boss and talkes with him about it several times. I also sent an email where I explained everything. There is no way he didn’t know I moved. My initial commute allowance was ¥1.000 per day, after I moved I used the bike as my home is 10 minutes from my workplace.

In the first two months my salary had been correct, so I stopped double checking everything and apparently they kept paying the ¥1.000 per workday (I just checked it and they are right).

The thing is, about a week ago I had some disputes with my chef. It’s noticeable he doesn’t enjoy my presence anymore. Today I got my salary and it was ¥20.000 with a message saying (paraphrasing here) „We kept paying the commute allowance, we have cut the overpaid amount from your salary.”

They have never talked about this with me, not even messaged me about it and now I have ¥20.000 left for this month…

I think that 1. this clearly is personal. Even if it was an honest mistake, they way they just dis it abruptly without ANY warning is really shitty.
2. is that legal? This really seems sketchy tbh as it’s their mistake and the way they did everything doesn’t seem like they see it that way.

Can you guys give me any advice on how to handle this situation?

by —-___–___—-

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